Sunday, February 28, 2016

Time and Healing

I know it has been some time since my last post.  I did not realize how long it has been. It had seemed not that long ago.  Time just seems to have a way of slipping away from all of us if we let it.  I do not feel I have wasted much of my time, but even I can get a little lazy and spend time where it is not needed.  I don't watch as much TV as I used to, but now and again there's that show or sports event that I spend time on.  As I just celebrated my birthday, I have taken the time to inventory my time spent. What do I have to show for it? How has my usage of it helped in my life and how I have dealt with family and friends? This is what I have found in the last few months.

Time has a way of showing us where we have been, and how we have lived.  Let me give you an example.  I saw a web site some time ago showing the effects of smoking to ones skin over time.  It showed pictures of different people over time and how their faces aged.  Time had a way of reveling what was happening to them by their choices to smoke. The damage was not reversible. You see given enough time just a little thing not dealt with can cause long term damage that time will not go back for us.  There is no time machine only memories. Some times if we have or given enough time we can still live with and subside some damage.  A close friend of mine a few years ago died, what I felt was before his time.  A short number of years earlier he had what he claimed was a pulled muscle in his chest area from running. I felt he should go see a doctor but he refused, until it got so much worse.  A few years later when he did go to the doctor, that because of the length of time it was not dealt with, the damage was to sever. He had a heart attack those years earlier and damage was done, with no healing time and what was needed to restore, He died just a few months later. So how am I dealing with what I know now in the time I am given?  What choices in life have I made that over time is showing their effects on my life?

I am saying all this to get to my topic today.  We need to take the time to heal and refocus on our God given life purpose.  I started having a few health issues myself and started praying and asking God for wisdom and insight to see what was really happening in my life.  I am one who truly believes that many times what is happening to us physically is a direct result of our spiritual condition, and choices we have made over time.  Before breaking down and going to a doctor, I started a spiritual assessment and serious talks with my heavenly Father.  If we let it people at my age often have a since of urgency, thinking time is running out.  Now I am not that old, just now 57.  Even I since the need to manage my time better, but yet feel I am still in my prime and have many years ahead of me.

Here is what I found and will share hopefully over the next few weeks.  I was in need of a spiritual healing.  I was allowing past, present events impact my forward thinking.  I will expound on this further in future post. I had let myself get angry, unforgiving, and unflexible. Just like a nice home if let alone and unattended, over time it will rot and be overtaken with dirt, rodents, and wild plants.  You see just a little dust is micro dirt that will build up to much dirt over time.  I had found things in my life that I felt if I gave it enough time it would go away.  I was so wrong.  Ignoring a problem is not dealing with it. Physically I knew I had an issue with blood pressure, but convinced myself I could handle it.  Little did I know how much a blood pressure condition effected my whole body.  The connection spiritually was how I was letting my self get too stressed out over things I had no power over to change. I was angry at people who where already dead or did not care how I felt. I had come to the point where I would not flex with people.  I am not talking about compromise. I am talking about being too stiff with those who live differently and things I have no control over the results.

 I have come to the place to understand I am in need of healing. I went to the doctor, he ran test, set me on a path of healing and now I am feeling so much better.  this could have started sooner if I had just been willing. The process is started and now I am focused on finishing.  I have gone to my Father and after allowing him to do a work in me, the healing has started, and I am focused on finishing. Time for healing.  I will share my journey and spiritual insights over the next few weeks.

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