Monday, May 25, 2015


Isa 44:19 No one stops to think, no one has the knowledge or understanding.......(NIV)

One day I was sitting in a church and listening to a speaker and I noticed a statement being made that everyone seemed to agree with, yet in my mind I could not think of any biblical proof to back any such statement.   I grew up in church and have found this to almost be a norm.  It is like another speaker I heard say, “It is a lack of faith to ask questions”. Since when!  In the opening verse the prophet Isaiah is talking about people who build their own gods.  The statement is being made that they are not thinking about what they are doing and they lack knowledge.  I have come to see that in many churches and many Christians have mad their own god.  They worship, talk about, and even pray to a god they do not know or understand.  They have never truly read their bibles with open minds and understanding.  They depend on a modern charismatic leader to paint them a picture of a God that is neither scriptural nor true.  The other side of this coin is a group of people who have known nothing other than what was handed down for generations never questioning their picture of God even when it makes no since. We call that traditional Christianity or Orthodoxy.

Let me share a couple of stories to help make my point.  In the churches I used to be a part of there was a story told that we all would share for a good laugh.  I am not sure if it really happened, but none the same it helps with my point. There was a well known speaker who let’s say was quit colorful and liked to call people out and speak a word of prophesy over them.  We could probably say most was never true.  One night he called a lady out of the crowd, and proceeded to tell her that God was going to keep and bring her son home save from Vietnam.  The lady got all excited and shouted praises to God. When she got back to her seat her friend said to her, ”You know you don’t even have a son that man was wrong”. The lady responded, “bless God, if that man of God says I have son, bless God I have a son”.  Now this may sound extreme, but you may be surprised to know there are people like that lady.  To her God could do and say anything through men and it would be true just because she was convinced God worked that way.

The next story happened to me. One night after I had spoken a person approached me during a time of fellowship.  She had a question for me about something she wanted to know how I believed.  It was an age old end time question and I always like to have dialogue, but this one I tried to avoid using a little humor.  This only angered her and she pushed for a more direct answer.  I could see that unless I gave the answer she wanted she was not going to be happy. So I gave a very generic answer leaning towards my understanding of scripture. (Now I am not saying I have all the right answers this not my point) This lady jumped up with anger in her voice and said “My daddy preached under the anointing it this way and that is the way we have always believed it, so it must be true”. With as calm of a voice I could, not to respond in like manor I said “what one may perceive as an anointing or speaking from years of traditions does not make it biblical truth”. She spun around and stormed out of the place and began to stir up trouble.

You see they both had a wrong perception of God so we could contend they had mad a false god that they worshiped. One was from an unreal and man made understanding of God, and the other from a traditional understanding that was handed down for generations, never questioning even if there would be contradictions to what they believed. 

  You see in early church history, the organized church preyed on the people’s ignorance.  There were no printed bibles, and they forced them to believe what was preached, by fear of punishment or excommunication.  I mean real punishment, like burning at the stake, torture until confession of wrong, or life long imprisonment. Today we may not see it in that extreme, but the tactic has not changed. Just today they use hell, or curses from God, such as bad things are happening because.

Today we have a Bible and a wealth of good history.  We have no excuse for not seeking truth.  You do not have to be a bible scholar to dig into God’s word and read material to help you understand God and His truth.  God is not a strange mystery that we can not know Him and who he really is.  Paul told the Corinthian church that, in his first letter to them in the second chapter.  We need to pursue God and His Son Jesus.  Even Jesus had always and will forever point us to the Father.

God created man with a brain and the ability to reason, and think.  We find that evident in how many biblical characters used their minds.  Just think about it Adam named all the living creatures.

When we listen to others, even spiritual leaders make sure you are not deceived by their great speeches, use of scripture and words.  Don’t get hung up with religious traditions when reading the bible.  Are you really looking for truth?  Do you really want Godly knowledge? Are you willing to ask questions when it does not make sense?  I am not saying we throw out all our traditions, but if they are standing in the way of finding truth then maybe it is time to kick them to the side.

    Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord.....  God was pleading with His nation Israel to come and reason with him.  God was asking them to think about their choices and what He had to offer them.  He was asking them to think.

2Ti 2:15 Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth. (AMP)

Here we can find Paul encouraging Timothy to study, think, analyze and to be knowledgeable in the truth.  We will never be deceived or lead down a path of false hopes when we know the bible and are willing to have open dialogue with others, willing to ask the tuff questions.  When you walk into a church or group, don’t check your brain at the door.  Don’t get caught up in emotional and exciting meetings, preaching and not pay attention to what is said and done. If it does not fit with the nature and character of God and His Word do not except it as truth, and you should question it.  Don’t let others push you with fear or other tactics to get you to believe them. THINK first!  Just because the crowd is marching in unison to the same beat heading for the cliff does not mean they are right and you have to join. Think for yourself and find the one true God.


  1. Very true. We are not called to blindly follow. We have to know God and His character and know that everything falls in line with that. Signs, wonders, and miracles are amazing and important to what God wants to do. At the same time, people have seen them and thought that must mean that person hears straight from heaven. Jesus said there will be people that do those things that He is going to say to them, I never knew you. Fruit is a sign of maturity, not gifts. Now, at the same time, you can't put God in a box. 1 Corinthians 2:9 says that God has things prepared for us that eye hasn't seen and ear hasn't heard. That means tradition goes out the window! I love what you wrote and believe there are going to be a large number of people sitting in those pews every week that think they have it all figured out and will completely miss it, just like the religious did when the Messiah showed up.
    Glad to see you writing again. :)

    1. Thank you, I feel I have a lot to say just getting back into it I hope everyone enjoys and will respond
